Introduction: In this blog, I am sharing topic about important of privacy. Most common topics like What is Privacy? And why it's important? Privacy is the right to control who has access to your personal information. It is a right that we all share and that we should stand up for. Privacy is an important issue in today's society, as more and more people are becoming aware of how their data is being used. This awareness has led to a number of laws being put into place, such as GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018. Several members and countries have expressed concerns over the CCPA, which would require companies to disclose how they use their customers’ data. This could be used by people to decide whether or not to continue using a company. Other students are concerned about how this law might affect companies that rely on targeted advertising for revenue, such as YouTube and Facebook. Many people are concerned about how this law might affect companies t...
Life is always unfair everyone, even you are doing good or bad thing for other person. In this life, everyone have saying that if you are doing good, then you will get a good time. But here everything is different because everyone will got what they need but not on time you need. So if you keep safe for future uses then you smart. Or you not. Never do what they need, do what you need to do.