Hi Reader, Death is a part of life that many of us never consider to happen to us. Mostly people who live their entire lives away or close to us seem to have experienced it, so it seems to have happened to them. However, there are many valuable lessons we can learn from death. Always life will change when the end comes to us. Everything changes when someone we care is getting sick or dies. Immediately we start think about the value of life and how little time we all have. My father's death when I was a little boy, and it completely changed my outlook about a life. In addition, I experienced complete mood swings and mental instability. Because I unable to take decision because I feel happy as well as sad. Because I can't understand the mind and my body. In my daily activities, I understand that nothing will ever be the same after that. But despite the grief, loss and emptiness that followed, there was one bright spot. I learned some incredibly wonderful things that we can all le...
Life is always unfair everyone, even you are doing good or bad thing for other person. In this life, everyone have saying that if you are doing good, then you will get a good time. But here everything is different because everyone will got what they need but not on time you need. So if you keep safe for future uses then you smart. Or you not. Never do what they need, do what you need to do.