Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels Hi Reader, In this blog, I'm going to discuss about trader mindset and behaviour. l lose some money in trading. If anyone advises me, about the stock market, mainly trading is not for beginners and first, try to understand the market behaviour and then start trading. But the reality is I won't listen to them at first. So, nowadays I won't advise anyone about a trading problem or it can be financial destroy. But I advise everyone to invest in the stock market, not in the direct market. Trader ideology In everywhere you can see patterns and patterns will repeat themselves. If you can understand the pattern and create it, then you can do anything you want. But, everyone needs to control other people, but no one wants to wait for it. Why as traders like me don't like to listen to advice or suggestions? That is cautionary that even remotely suggest. That the market might be about to change direction either upward or downward. Not ne...
Life is always unfair everyone, even you are doing good or bad thing for other person. In this life, everyone have saying that if you are doing good, then you will get a good time. But here everything is different because everyone will got what they need but not on time you need. So if you keep safe for future uses then you smart. Or you not. Never do what they need, do what you need to do.